Salzburg Getaway Part The Third

Finally, before I forget about it, here’s a few more photos from our wondrous, kid-free getaway in Sound of Music country.

The shopping is just way, way better in Salzburg than in Vienna. It generally isn’t to my taste–think a European version of a Cracker Barrel country store–but at least it’s not made in China, like it is in Vienna. Well, most of it isn’t.

There are lots of kiosks in the tourist areas selling an abundance of cute.
Dolls, dolls, dolls. Some of them are pretty nice.
Probably made in Poland, but kind of cute.

One very odd feature of many gift shops are mannequins dressed up as various Salzburgian characters.

Mozart looking kind of paranoid, frankly.
Guess who?

Another Salzburg “thing” is trachten or traditional Austrian clothing. These outfits are actually worn on dressy occasions in Vienna, and I even saw a few women wearing dirndls on an everyday basis in Salzburg. You can find relatively inexpensive outfits at department stores in Vienna, but Salzburg, nothing less than the best will do.

A venerable trachten tailor. A sign in the window advertises that all items are made on the premises.
Teeny-weeny baby trachten.
A modern take on trachten.
Astonishing prices on the clothing above. In Euros–add about 50 percent to get the dollar figures. Gack.
Tarty trachten!

Another Salzburg thing: street performers, usually “living statues.”

I have no idea how he does this, but he seemed to be enjoying himself.

Finally, we wrapped up the day with the most expensive meal I have ever eaten. Of course, we ate in a beer hall the night before, and had breakfast at McDonald’s, so it kind of averaged out. Still, if I told you what this meal cost, you simply wouldn’t believe it. It was really good, anyway. Clearly, a photo for the scrapbook was required.

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